Melzi Resources

The Hidden Risks of Intraoperative Radiography: A Closer Look at Surgical Miscounts

The Hidden Risks of Intraoperative Radiography: A Closer Look at Surgical Miscounts

Melzi awarded Breakthrough Technology Designation for the Melzi Sharps Finder with Premier, Inc.

Melzi awarded Breakthrough Technology Designation for the Melzi Sharps Finder with Premier, Inc.

When Surgical Counts Fail Adjunct OR Technology Becomes a Necessity

When Surgical Counts Fail Adjunct OR Technology Becomes a Necessity

The Real-Life Consequences of RSIs

The Real-Life Consequences of RSIs

Enhancing Surgery: A Hospital Shares Their Experience with the Melzi™ Sharps Finder™

Enhancing Surgery: A Hospital Shares Their Experience with the Melzi™ Sharps Finder™

Halting the Growing Risks of Sentinel Events & RSIs with Updated Protocols

Halting the Growing Risks of Sentinel Events & RSIs with Updated Protocols

Lessons Learned: How a Recent Publicized Sentinel Event Sheds Light On RSI Prevention Protocols

Lessons Learned: How a Recent Publicized Sentinel Event Sheds Light On RSI Prevention Protocols

Sharps Finder Brochure

Sharps Finder Brochure

6-Inch Surgical Tool Found Inside Mom’s Body 18 Months After Cesarean Section

6-Inch Surgical Tool Found Inside Mom’s Body 18 Months After Cesarean Section

Evaluating the Melzi™ Sharps Finder™ for Miscount Management

Evaluating the Melzi™ Sharps Finder™ for Miscount Management

Improving Patient Safety Improves Patient Outcomes

Improving Patient Safety Improves Patient Outcomes

Register for Melzi’s CE Course “The Impact of Retained Surgical Sharps and Near Misses on Patient Safety”

Register for Melzi’s CE Course “The Impact of Retained Surgical Sharps and Near Misses on Patient Safety”

Melzi Sharps Finder Overview

Melzi Sharps Finder Overview

Download Investor Kit

Download Investor Kit

Melzi Surgical to Present at the MedTech Strategist Innovation Summit 2022

Melzi Surgical to Present at the MedTech Strategist Innovation Summit 2022

Melzi Sharps Finder Demonstrates Accelerated Time to Locate Lost Surgical Needles

Melzi Sharps Finder Demonstrates Accelerated Time to Locate Lost Surgical Needles

TriStar Centennial Hospital Faces Lawsuit For Leaving Surgical Needle Inside Patient

TriStar Centennial Hospital Faces Lawsuit For Leaving Surgical Needle Inside Patient

Melzi Surgical to Participate at the Society of Robotic Surgery 2022 Annual Meeting

Melzi Surgical to Participate at the Society of Robotic Surgery 2022 Annual Meeting

Melzi Surgical to Present at the Virtual Investor Innovations in MedTech Event

Melzi Surgical to Present at the Virtual Investor Innovations in MedTech Event

Melzi Surgical Announces Closing of its Series A Financing with Proceeds of Over $4.0 Million

Melzi Surgical Announces Closing of its Series A Financing with Proceeds of Over $4.0 Million

American Urological Association

American Urological Association

Association of VA Surgeons

Association of VA Surgeons

American Society of Colon & Rectal Surgeons

American Society of Colon & Rectal Surgeons

Society of Gynecologic Surgeons

Society of Gynecologic Surgeons

Association of periOperative Registered Nurses

Association of periOperative Registered Nurses

North American Robotic Urology Symposium

North American Robotic Urology Symposium

Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons

Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons

Melzi Surgical to Present at the Virtual Investor 2022 Top Picks Conference

Melzi Surgical to Present at the Virtual Investor 2022 Top Picks Conference

Melzi Sharps Finder™ Demonstrates Improved Ability to Locate Retained Surgical Sharps (RSS)

Melzi Sharps Finder™ Demonstrates Improved Ability to Locate Retained Surgical Sharps (RSS)

Animal Trial at Stanford Health System

Animal Trial at Stanford Health System

Why is Melzi Sharps Finder helpful in OR?

Why is Melzi Sharps Finder helpful in OR?

Incidence and OR team awareness of “near-miss” and retained surgical sharps: a national survey on United States operating rooms

Incidence and OR team awareness of “near-miss” and retained surgical sharps: a national survey on United States operating rooms

How to Operate the Melzi Sharps Finder?

How to Operate the Melzi Sharps Finder?

A Lost Needle Incident

A Lost Needle Incident

Do Lost Sharp Events Happen?

Do Lost Sharp Events Happen?

Risk factors and preventive strategies for unintentionally retained surgical sharps: a systematic review

Risk factors and preventive strategies for unintentionally retained surgical sharps: a systematic review

Incidence and OR team awareness of “near-miss” and retained surgical sharps: a national survey on United States operating rooms

Incidence and OR team awareness of “near-miss” and retained surgical sharps: a national survey on United States operating rooms

“Retained Surgical Items: A Changing Landscape”

“Retained Surgical Items: A Changing Landscape”

“A Protocol to Recover Needles Lost During Minimally Invasive Surgery.”

“A Protocol to Recover Needles Lost During Minimally Invasive Surgery.”

“St. John’s Regional Medical Center fined for needle left in patient after heart surgery,”

“St. John’s Regional Medical Center fined for needle left in patient after heart surgery,”

“A baby left All Children’s with a needle in her heart,”

“A baby left All Children’s with a needle in her heart,”

“Nashville surgeon left needle inside patient, then couldn’t get it out, lawsuit says,”

“Nashville surgeon left needle inside patient, then couldn’t get it out, lawsuit says,”

“The story of the lost needle: Foreign body embolization to the heart,”

“The story of the lost needle: Foreign body embolization to the heart,”

Top All Children’s executives resign following Times report on heart surgeries

Top All Children’s executives resign following Times report on heart surgeries

Hospital Safety Grade. (n.d.).

Hospital Safety Grade. (n.d.).

What does one minute of operating room time cost?

What does one minute of operating room time cost?

OR costs: Labor vs Material

OR costs: Labor vs Material

Retained surgical item lawsuits will cost you

Retained surgical item lawsuits will cost you
